Love Letters In The Sand


“How they laughed as I cried, as the tide washed away, all our love letters in the sand… “ (with minimal apologies to Pat Boone).

Donald J Trump, our petulant President,
May not be long a White House resident.
His term has been fraught
With the constant onslaught
Of crisis after crisis
(Oh, he’s now defeated ISIS?)
This man who’s afraid
To fire those he’s made
Part of his coterie
It’s a matter of jokery
This man who admires
Those he loves, til he fires
Them from a distance…
The least line of resistance.

And now Jim Mattis
Is Personna non-gratis?
A man of real stature
Leaves Trump midst the fracture
Of many an alliance
Except those, in defiance
Of close examination
Like MBS, that abomination!

We’re pulling out of Syria
It’s more Trump deliria
He withdraws with no warning
But for Erdogan’s alarming
Pledge to bring death to the Kurds
Steadfast allies. It’s absurd!
No, it’s tragedy in the making
While Putin is baking
A new a plan to subvert
While Trump’s on “alert”
In Mar-a-Lago
Gee, where’d his support go?

And the letters from Little Rocket?
He’s kept those in his pocket
That speak lies of devotion
To the absurd naïve notion
That North Korea will cease
Won’t develop and increase
It’s nuclear store
To even the score

The nation will awaken
And surely be shaken
As we come to the truth
That Putin, the sleuth,
Has netted his catch
Trump was never his match.

And now the government shuts down
And Trump’s leaving town
Casting a pre-Christmas pall
As he insists “Fund My Wall!”

So, for a measly Billion-Five
We might slow the market’s dive…
As this woefully misguided man
Implements Putin’s master plan
To divide our already Great Nation
(We need a Trump ablation!)

And yet, as he flies out of sight
On Airforce One in the night…
He waves his short-fingered fist
At the opportunity missed
To make more folks aware
That he just doesn’t care
As the nation stumbles and swerves.
It’s just Mammon he serves.

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