Recidivism R US!!!!


It boggles the mind that a man with seemingly one primary focus in this life, that being the aggrandizement of himself, is able to overrule the achievements of so many people who’ve spent their lives learning and demonstrating how the interconnectedness of all life depends upon an understanding of the web that binds us all. But that is the man we’ve placed at the helm of this country, a man focused on the reflection of himself in the edifices he’s built, the golf courses he owns and the notion of his own greatness above all.

But that is the man we’ve placed at the helm of this country, a man focused on the reflection of himself in the edifices he’s built, the golf courses he owns and the notion of his own greatness above all.
Do you (do I?) believe in his vision, that the engines of the past, those belching earth destroying engines of industry shall embody the solution to what ails this country and the world as he says he sees it? Is that recapturing “greatness?”
Pulling out of the Paris Accords, saying that he was “elected to serve the people of Pittsburgh rather than the people of Paris” sounds good to so many. But really, people, look at the man who says this. Look at the vision he lives for himself. This is the man who holds so much power in his hands. Is he you? Is he the you YOU want to be or want your daughters to marry? Really?